Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Our first Russia trip

Well, we have made it back from our first trip to Russia! We were able to meet Kinley for the first time and visit with her for about 2 hours a day at the orphanage. We were impressed with the cleanliness and care takers at the orphanage, who made it very clear that Kinley was a favorite and well cared for little girl. She comes off shy at first but by the second and third visit she was running and jumping in to mine and Brent's laps! She definitely warmed up to us and loved all the attention and love she was getting from us.
We were able to meet with the judge on the last day in our region and set our date for court. This is a huge blessing, because it gives us more time to plan our next trip! While we wish we could bring her home with us this time we know she is being well looked after while we wait. Unfortunately we are not allowed to post any pictures of her until the adoption is finalized, but rest assure we got plenty! I think there were 200+. We were able to take a tour of Moscow while we were there and we can post some of those pictures :)

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

The phone (or e-mail) rings at last!

So, last Friday we were at a water park all day celebrating a belated birthday for our son. Naturally, I left my cell phone in the car so it would not get lost, stolen, wet, etc. Upon arrival to our car I found I had a voice mail from our adoption agency asking us to call them back, because they wanted to talk to us about something. We never get phone calls from them, mind you. Unfortunately, it was already too late by the time we got the message and their office had closed...for the next 4 days, since it was a holiday weekend.
Brent and I spent the whole drive home playing out scenarios of why they had called. Surely this was not a referral. It must be a paperwork issue or something else. In the back of our minds, however we couldn't help but hope we were wrong. Luckily we were packed full of activities throughout the weekend, so Tuesday really did role around fairly quickly. First thing Tuesday morning, I called the agency only to get a voice mail message. However, within about 30 minutes an e-mail popped up from our case worker. She would be out of town all week, but wanted to let us know we had a referral!!!
Wow. I started shaking and crying as soon as I read the words. Of course, I immediately called Brent at work to give him the good news. It took a while to get the rest of the information to us, including her photo and her extremely brief (and slightly terrifying) medical record. Unfortunately, Russia is notorious for misdiagnosing children, as they receive reimbursement from the government based on the number of "unhealthy kids". We had received ample warnings of this which helped with the shock value, but none the less it was slightly intimidating to say the least.
Yesterday I experienced a full range of emotions as I tried my best to process this and sort through the small amount of information we were given. We forwarded the information and photo on to a specialist who reviewed it that same day and sent us back very encouraging news. He felt she was a relatively healthy child who is just very malnourished. Again, we fully expected this as it is very common in institutionalized children.
So, after carefully reviewing, discussing, and lots of praying (thank you everyone for praying for us yesterday), we are planning to accept her and will be flying out very quickly. In fact, in the next 2 weeks!
Last night I quickly went up to her room and finished the last minute touches, vacuumed, dusted, etc. and it is officially ready. Today I went and bought bows :) We are getting closer each and everyday. The boys keep asking when we can pick up Kinley. I hope to tell them tonight and show them her picture! I haven't done it yet, because I want us to be together as a family when they find out.
Needless to say we are ecstatic about this, although I am dreading the flight :( Please keep our family in your prayers as we start making abrupt travel arrangements and as we arrange care for our boys. Also pray for Kinley's health (physically and mentally) and that she will bond with us quickly. We have no idea what to expect once we get there. Thank you all and thank you Jesus!!!