Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Paperwork "take 1" on it's way

We received official confirmation from our social worker that our initial paperwork "the first half of our dossier" was mailed last Friday to Russia. I have no idea how long it takes to make it all the way across the world, but when I looked it up on-line it estimated a week. Of course with all of the crazy weather we have had lately, who knows! When it is received in Moscow, it will be decided which region we are best suited for and thus they will assign us to that region. Once we know which region we have been assigned to then we can begin working on the official dossier.

Dossiers are region specific which just means that some regions are more meticulous about their requirements than others and they require certain additional paperwork.

Prayer requests: Pray that we will be selected for the region that God has picked for us and that the region will be helpful and not over daunting with the paperwork requirements. Also pray for our family and that we can get our dossier completed as quickly as possible so that we can officially be on the waiting list to travel. This last week we received notification that we are being considered for a matching grant. Pray for God's direction in this and if we are to be blessed with this as well as any of the other grants we have applied for.

For those who are following our adoption journey and keeping us in your prayers we are truly greatful! It really does mean a lot to us to have all of your support for our family and we just want to say thank you! We pray for God's blessings for each one of you.

1 comment:

  1. I got your letter today about the adoption and it is so amazing what your family is doing! I am so excited to get to see what God has planned for your family. Mark and I plan to internationally adopt in a few years... so glad I have a friend who will have already gone through the process :)
